Party Survival

Party Survival

Hello, anyone know how to survive the bachelor, bachelorette, or birthday party hangover? Zoey's Attic Personalized Gifts has the answer! You will want to check out their party survival gift bags! Order just the bags and add your own goodies or let us add the goodies for you! These party survival kit hangover recovery bags are sure to be a hit! This kit has it all! Not just for hangovers, but any situation that may arise at the party! 

If you order these bags filled for a bachelorette party, they will contain all of the following goodies: eye masks, Shout wipe, Emergen-C Vitamin C, pack of Advil, hand sanitizer pack, gum, single use eye drops, Band-Aid, matching lip balm (design will match theme of bag), makeup wipe, and hair tie.

Filled bachelor party kits come with the following goodies: Emergen-C Vitamin C, pack of Advil, hand sanitizer pack, gum, single use eye drops, Band-Aid, matching lip balm (design will match theme of bag), and Liquid IV, too! 

Some items in the filled bags may vary slightly due to inventory availability.

You have the option to purchase the bags only or with goodie contents added to them. These fun hangover survival bags can also be personalized with your custom party details including names, location, date, whatever you need! Our fun designs include the "Hair Of The Dog" birthday kit, disco ball "Let's Go Girls" bachelorette party survival bag, the fishing weekend bachelor party hangover survival kit, and the par-tee golf outing "Last Swing Before The Ring" party survival bag.

The party-goers will appreciate this extra touch! You will find more hangover survival kit designs along with matching shirts, save the date magnets, and wedding gifts in our Wedding Shop at Zoey's Attic Personalized Gifts. 

16th Oct 2023 Zoey

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