It's Almost Spring!
The March Equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator, the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth' s equator that runs from south to north. This year it will occur on March 20th and marks the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The 2014/2015 winter wasn't nearly as awful in our Midwest location as the previous winter season, but I am still ever thankful it's almost over (even if we did have sleet today!). I'm so looking forward to packing away my many layers
18th Mar 2015
St. Patrick and His Day
Who is this St. Patrick guy and why all the fuss with his day? St. Patrick was a Christian missionary and is known as the Patron Saint of Ireland. He was originally from Scotland, born in 367 A.D. When Patrick was sixteen years old he was captured and enslaved by Irish pirates. After six years Patrick was able to escape his captors and eventually made his way back to his family. He then studied for the priesthood and later returned to Ireland as a missionary. Patrick established many church
4th Mar 2015
Everything Is Better With A Monogram defines the word "monogram" when used as a noun as "a design consisting of two or more alphabetic letters combined or interlaced, commonly one's initials, often printed on stationery, embroidered on clothing, etc." Monograms in times past had been very popular and were often considered a symbol of social status. They have been around since about 350 B.C. when initial monograms were etched in gold coins and used by the Romans and Greeks as royal signatures. It was during the 19t
16th Feb 2015