Teachers Are Awesome!
We interact with many teachers during our lifetime including our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. From the beginning, these treasured family members have been there to guide us along life's glorious and sometimes twisted and complicated paths. When the time comes for formal education, some parents may choose home schooling. Many others will make the decision to send their little ones to a traditional preschool and then off to grade school and high school,
18th Sep 2015
School's Out, Almost!
When I was in school students were never recognized for completing any grade other than on your High School graduation day.You were expected to "graduate" at the end of each school year and as a result of your efforts recommended for promotion to the next grade level the following year. So that meant no special shirts acknowledging the last day of a particular grade and no congratulatory presents for advancing to a new grade level, only a "good job" after Mom and Dad reviewed the final report
8th May 2015